Sunday, 6 May 2012

Bcm herbals in pabau


BCM is the result of business and life experience of our founders. Many of them have a spectacular life story that involves unrelenting rigorous work, the work that involves interaction with many sides of human activities. That gives the ability to know and understand the aspirations, needs and desires of people not only of our native country, India, but also in all places where our business requires us to be present. Quite naturally, being in the forefront of modern business, it is impossible to ignore all the rapid changes that global society is experiencing at this time, first of all technologic advances that are bound to successfully and significantly change the people’s lives. The direct selling and MLM techniques could not be omitted when thinking of new ways of making business. However, this requires a new and fresh approach – finding a good balance between successful implementation and scaring the people away. Countless hours were spent thinking about opportunities and possibilities, recruiting associates and partners, brainstorming – and as a result: BCM General Strategy was worked out. Thus, BCM - a structured e-Commerce company was formed .
So, this is the essence of BCM MULTI TRADE PVT. LTD.
To create opportunity for change of life of common people throughout the world by means of offering them affordable business that does not require special prerequisites;
Working for this purpose use utilize the most advanced techniques and technologies that are existing and emerging in business.
MISSION :- To develop a great business with honor, reputation, wellness and responsibility.
                     To accumulate wealth by giving goodhealth to society.



JOINING OPTION:-                   Rs.500/-
DAILY CAPPING:-                     Rs.1200/-
7 DAYS COMMISSION:-          Rs.9000/-
15 DAYS COMMISSION:-        Rs.18000/-

MONTHLY COMMISSION:-      Rs.36000/-
First pair 1:2 or 2:1, Second pair 1:1 onwards, daily two closing of 12 hours, unlimited depth income, maximum payout 3 pair in one closing. TDS will be deducted from every payout @ 10% and administration charge @ 5% will be deducted from every payout. Payout will be distributed on every monday. Power line will be carried forward. After first payout when any sale in your Network in right and left creates a pair you will get rupee 200 on every pair. You will get this magical benefit up to unlimited depth network. 10% will be deducted from every payout for repurchase. Minimum payout Rs.500/- will be released by cheque, transfer & ECS. Rs.100/- will be deducted from 1st payout.
Closing Time 01:00 PM & 01:00 AM.
Bcm Royalty300010xNo. of Id in month / achivers36
RETAIL PROFIT- 20% discount from MRP

 When your repurchase amount will reach Rs.5000/- you will also eligible for matrix zone income.
SECURE INCOME - 1. In case of loss of life of any business associate ( Natural & Accidental ) the company will pay an amount by the formula given below . 1% * no of Id in a month/Claimers. Nominee will get appropriate amount in next month.
2. In case of loss of life of more then one distributor in the same month, amount will be devided between the claimers.
NOTE - This is valid after 6 months of joining.   The Associate must have gained at least one payout from company.    The age limit is between 18 years to 65 years.


110Bag/Watch50010 Days
225Mobile125010 Days
350Induction250010 Days
4100Colour TV500020 Days
5200Computer1000020 Days
6500Laptop2500060 Days
71000Bike5000075 Days
82500Nano12500090 Days
93000Pulser Bike60000No Time Limit
105000Alto Car250000120 Days
1110000Maruti Swift500000180 Days
1220000Tata Safari1000000360 Days
1350000Flat2500000450 Days
14100000Banglo3000000No Time Limit
After geting any Reward your counting will start from zero.


City Office :
Shop No.17, Siddharth Complex
Contact No: 9335376670
Head Office
D-59/98-45,SAmpurnanand Nagar
Sigra, Varanasi
Contact : 9621149256, 9235528887
Bank Details

E mail :- *
Subject:- *
Mobile:- *
Message:-  *
A/C No : 10872560003529